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[美] 埃里克·乔根森著,赵灿译.纳瓦尔宝典:财富与幸福指南.中信出版集团.2022:26.
[美] 埃里克·乔根森著,赵灿译.纳瓦尔宝典:财富与幸福指南.中信出版集团.2022:26.
[From Docs to Blocks: 6 Note-Taking Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block - Animalz](
From Docs to Blocks: 6 Note-Taking Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block - Animalz
Harness the compounding power of note-taking with six tips to think smarter and write faster.
✨ Hey! I just published my 3rd English article: Agile with Remote Work — What’s Changed in "Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools"?
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
Agile with Remote Work — What’s Changed in “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools”?
1. “Individuals and Interactions” in the remote work scenario
1. “Individuals and Interactions” in the remote work scenario Especially, “individuals and interactions” are naturally reduced when remotely, and also face the reality of cross-regional and cross-time-zone conditions.
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
Agile with Remote Work — What’s Changed in “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools”?
1. “Individuals and Interactions” in the remote work scenario
2. SaaS tools, the more general the less competitive These tools are no technical barrier, fall into a misconception that the more generic they are, the less competitive they are. The more you want to solve all the problems at once, the worse the solution is.
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳
2. SaaS tools, the more general the less competitive These tools are no technical barrier, fall into a misconception that the more generic they are, the less competitive they are. The more you want to solve all the problems at once, the worse the solution…
3. Agile meeting processes that can be “productized” Agile is about a few principles, but for each practice, there are really a lot of details and how it reflects the values. Every meeting of practice can be turned into a small product
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
Parabol | Free Agile Meeting Tool for Remote Teams
Parabol is a Free Agile Meeting Tool for Remote Teams. Seamlessly integrates with Atlassian Jira, GitHub, Slack, and Mattermost. Free and Open-Source.
4. “Processes and Tools” are enough to make more value While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. What must not be forgotten is this sentence: developing software by doing it and helping others do it!
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳
4. “Processes and Tools” are enough to make more value While there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. What must not be forgotten is this sentence: developing software by doing it and helping others do it!
5. Tools of “Agile” are actually an “inclusive” market education If the tool can’t let people experience the concept behind it, which means that it is not “productized” enough, and then it is just reduced to a “tool”.
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳
5. Tools of “Agile” are actually an “inclusive” market education If the tool can’t let people experience the concept behind it, which means that it is not “productized” enough, and then it is just reduced to a “tool”.
The future of SaaS products may be to a “consultant as a service”, so that service is not interrupted and practice is continuous.
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
— jimmylv.eth (🐣, 🐣) 吕立青 2𐃏22 🇨🇳 (@Jimmy_JingLv) May 27, 2022
Agile with Remote Work — What’s Changed in “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools”?
1. “Individuals and Interactions” in the remote work scenario
#Z 在工作结束之后,或者是在排队的间隙,或是吃饭的时候,BuzzFeed上面最受欢迎的文章“17 个倒过来拼写就会意思完全不同的单词”和“33 只赢得一切的狗”,以及各种短视频平台,可能会成为你打发时间的工具,但这些文章或网站尤其有害。 *
少楠Plidezus: 这期周刊写到自我怀疑,因为突然意识到修订比重写更难,因为需要的不是各种创造,而是严谨的取舍。 不过这个过程也终于写下了一些之前一直想说没说的东西:不要照搬卢曼的概念,而是理解他的笔记原则。因为我们和他所处的时代、环境不同,尽信书不如无书。 试着将卢曼的一些笔记原则提取出来: 1. 每张卡片只记一件事。用清晰、简洁的方式写作,不求文采出众,但求记录翔实、 - 即刻
即刻的 少楠Plidezus
1. 每张卡片只记一件事。用清晰、简洁的方式写作,不求文采出众,但求记录翔实、索引明确。这样能有效地了解到事情的全部,也方便和其他内容、主题建立联系。太宽泛很难聚焦,太零碎会让链接模糊。
2. 不要复制信息。你必须用你自己的…
1. 每张卡片只记一件事。用清晰、简洁的方式写作,不求文采出众,但求记录翔实、索引明确。这样能有效地了解到事情的全部,也方便和其他内容、主题建立联系。太宽泛很难聚焦,太零碎会让链接模糊。
2. 不要复制信息。你必须用你自己的…
#Z 你想要成为任何领域的超级明星,关键点都在于迅速掌握复杂事物、熟练运用智能机器的能力,即便是在与科技关联性很小的领域。 *
#Z 想要成为优秀的喜剧演员,就要每天都写笑话,才能创作出更好的笑话。通过在日历上画大红叉的方式,保持每天都写笑话的链条,下一步就是让链条不要断掉。 *
#Z 科技发展和影响力为我们的经济带来巨大重组的机会,三种人会获得特别的优势:1. 善用智能机器,把活干的漂亮且具有创造力;2. 行业翘楚,最优秀的那个 3. 还有那些坐拥资本的 *