Instant Camera and More 3D Touch

When taking pictures, even a split second can make the difference between capturing the perfect moment or missing it entirely. Starting today, our iOS users can snap a photo or take a video in no time. To access your camera quickly, simply tap and hold the attachment button, and you're ready to shoot:

This quick camera interface defaults to selfie mode with flash on, but you can change this and it will remember your choice.

With this update it also becomes easier to record videos using the standard camera interface. Press and hold the big button and the recording starts. By popular demand, videos you record in-app will now be saved to your device in Full HD quality.

More 3D Touch and More

Starting today you can use 3D Touch to preview photos and videos everywhere, including the attachment menus, message history, and the Shared Media section. The same goes for profile pictures: That's right, you no longer need to go to chat info to check them out in full size.

We've also added Uber and Citymapper as options for opening a location:

And, speaking of opening stuff, we've fixed the issue with files – you can now open any file you get in other apps again. This is extremely useful, given that you can share and store an unlimited number of documents and files of any type on Telegram.

That's it for today, stay tuned for more updates coming soon! The cool features we are adding in the next release will be available for all platforms.

April 28, 2016
The Telegram Team

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