In-App Media Playback and Search in Chats

The new version of Telegram allows you to play media from services like YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud directly from Telegram – without having to leave the app. Just tap on the preview of a link to an external media to view the video or listen to the audio file (speaking of audio files, they are now beautifully rendered and played in chats).

The new attachment menu in Android is not only gorgeous and beautifully animated; it also allows you to share contacts, audios and recent photos way easier:

All of your communications in Telegram are already instantly searchable with the multi-purpose search field, but now you can also search for messages in specific chats. Just tap on the name of the chat in iOS or toggle the Actions menu in Android:

You will see the number of occurrences of the keyword in the chat and will be able to navigate through them with the up/down arrows. Enjoy!

The Telegram Team,
July 17, 2015

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