Meet the Telegraph API for Logins and Stats

Last month, we launched, a minimalist publishing tool that allows you to create richly formatted posts and push them to the Web in just a click.

We tried to keep Telegraph‘s interface as simple as possible: there’s no need to log in or navigate menus. You just open, write your post, hit publish, and it's live.

Yes, it's that simple

Better with Bots

This simplicity has its price of course. Sometimes you want to edit your articles on several devices or stay logged in to avoid having to write your name and profile link under each new title. If any of this sounds familiar, meet our new @Telegraph bot.

This simple bot will help you log in and manage your Telegraph posts across any number of devices. In addition, it can give you page view statistics for any post on Telegraph. Just send it a link and watch the numbers roll in.

A Time to Gather Stones

If you have created some Telegraph posts in the past using browsers on your different devices, the @Telegraph bot helps unite them all under your rule.

A time to log in

And a time to gather posts

Simply press the Log in on this device button, and all posts you‘ve previously written in that device’s browser will be added to your Telegraph account.

Telegraph API

Mind you, Telegraph is not intended just for Telegram users. Anyone can use this dead-simple publishing tool. For those who are suffering the constraints of other messengers and can't enjoy the comfort offered by the @Telegraph bot, we have created an open Telegraph API.

Using the Telegraph API, any developer can create bots like @Telegraph for any other platform, or even standalone interfaces.

Here's the full documentation, in case you're interested.

Meanwhile, allow us to return to our coding dungeons where we're brewing another update to our apps for you this year.

December 20, 2016
The Telegram Team

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